To Galvanise Higher Levels of Responsibility in World Leaders to overcome Apathy & Inertia

Millions of people are unnecessarily suffering from tsunamis of preventable health disorders. As well intended as health disorder days and weeks are, they are not proving good enough that they roll on from year to year, while statistics keep reporting increasing death rates from depression and preventable health disorders, year on year.
What was reportedly around 700,000 suicide deaths a year a few years ago is now 1,000,000. Global morality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death in every 40 seconds is predicted to be one every 20 seconds by 2020. Multiply similar numbers for 5 other nasty health disorders and it is catastrophic.
Hence the establishment of ihelpworld as a reminder to all experts and leaders who talk of population health, to do more than what they are doing, so that their talk does not fall in the realm of 'virtue-signalling'.
If the future ought not to be the indictment of the last few decades, then the year 2020 needs to be remedied with a 20/20 Visioned Worldwide Wellness Policy. A Policy that can only come about if ethical medical & wellness practitioners put aside their differences to unite and write a Worldwide Wellness Policy to guide governments and individuals to make a positive difference.
It is only by applying 20/20 vision in its fullest sense, that wellness leaders and people of our world can improve thought-process and policies, which for the last 30 years, have made us unwilling spectators and participants in global illness, if not being complicit in letting innocent people die from preventable health disorders.
Statistics speak for themselves

million suffer depression globally

million plus of those take their own life annually
This is why ihelpworld represents a Serious Global Call to Action. An ‘All Hands-on Deck Worldwide Movement’ to remedy a global apocalypse.
1] Unless depression begins to be viewed for its inseparability from other health disorders and be treated for its web-like causalities not limited to bullying, stress and stigmas, no number of pills or talks are likely to reverse its growing devastation.
2] Until silo-like handling of depression & health disorders evolve to ‘collaborative’ holistic remedial pathways, not solely reliant on pill or scalpel, no appreciable progress to attain overall wellbeing (physical or mental), is likely to reverse those appalling statistics.
3] Until global leadership of wellness transfers to the care of genuine wellness visionaries who ‘quantum lift’ healthcare systems from their illness-centric business model, none of the future countless billions of dollars will deliver better ROI to save millions from perishing.

Inspire Good Nutrition & Lifestyle Choices
Millions of people suffer the effects of non-active lifestyles which cost them their mobility in old age. This includes fine medical staff who have dedicated their lives to public health, but who due to lack of progressive health literacy become health disorder victims, just like the people they have served.
Considering depression and health disorders have arisen so much despite so-called medical advancements, it is evident several aspects are fundamentally wrong on various fronts of healthcare. Particularly because depression and health disorders share alarmingly common roots.
As part of inspiring good thought, it feels appropriate to ponder on breathing with the guidance of Zen Master, Monk, Poet, Spiritual Leader Thich Nhat Hanh, considering the symbiotic relationship between breathing and de-stressing.
which unites your body to your thoughts.
Whenever your mind becomes scattered,
use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.
Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.
Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
Once we are steadied by our breathing, we can navigate ourselves to whatever it is that we wish to achieve, and that includes seeking exercise, nathuropathic and nutritional guidance to overcome the affects of chronic illness or stress, instead of relying on alcohol or chemicals.

Statistics speak for themselves

+ billion adults are overweight

$billion resultant annual costs in USA alone
Considering that ‘breath’ is so vital to every person, getting outdoors to grab fresh air, first thing in the morning is therapeutic. Awake a bit early to treat your mind & body to the energising joy of morning magic. Help yourself to awake early by cutting out the crap on the screen, the night previous.
Get plenty of safe sunlight. Be sun smart. Sun blocks are after all chemicals that your liver has to deal with. Walk or run on a beach. Forest bathe and trek through mountains. Such outdoor activities get you breathing deeper compared to the confines of any home. Our body and brain need activity and plenty of movement. Lots of movement! Getting outdoors sets your brain free.
Instead of being continually insulated with plastic and rubber under your feet; instead of being soaked indoors with EMF; getting outdoors and walking bare-feet on grass or sand can ‘Earth’ you. Lying flat on bare grass or earth to look up at the sky without a rubber mat (a towel should suffice), connects our ‘Earthed’ body to the vastness of our Universe. Not just through our eyes, but literally through our brain and thus relaxing it. Adopt a dog from SPCA. It won’t be you saving the dog. The dog will save you.
International hub of heath & hope

Millions need constructive hope, help and optimism. Our philosophy is, together we can make a big positive difference.
In our otherwise insane world of 24 x 7 desensitising death and pain laden news, people of our world deserve easy-to-access health literacy which helps them to reverse out of disorders, or better still prevent them in the first instance.
Hence our endeavours via ihelphub and mindpump™, to create constructive well-informed hope as well as pathways to wellbeing, at little to no cost.
At ihelphub we will put you in touch with truly caring wellness leaders rendering free health literacy parallel to wise caution on the risks of being dependant on prescription medication/s which could be detrimental to your health’s best interests. You can then decide your own pathway.
Statistics speak for themselves

million suffer depression globally

million+ of those take their own life annually
Age old wellness wisdom from Yoga, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Tai Chi, TCM, Homeopathy and Naturopathy pre-date prescription medication which is really the new kid on the block. It might have enthusiasm, but lacks experience and wide perspective grasp of its side-effects.
We believe, a person should be treated dependant on the merit of the most ideal treatment pathway. Not per the bias, extraction or limitation of the practitioner. And certainly not, because popping pills may appear convenient. Ethicality would expect the patient to be guided to the right practitioner to heal the whole person. Not just provide symptom-relief.
Your health literacy will enable you to navigate through a range of Doctors and find ethicality. Those who are open to suggestion. Those who respect you for your research and do not rubbish google searches by people trying to understand health disorders that their Doctor either has no time to explain or is unable to explain. You need to ask questions and find convincing answers to safeguard your health in the most holistic manner. Not just be told which pills to take.