ihelp world


There may be a few ways to support ihelpworld and/or contribute to the ihelphub.

You may set-up a memorial contribution.

Volunteer to share your expertise or advice by posting in the ihelphub Forum.

Become a carer by getting alongside a family member or friend to support them through a recovery process.

You can share your story of recovery to inspire and motivate other sufferers to recover. Just click on the Share a Story link to get started.

Any support you can provide is lending a helping hand in the true spirit of ihelpworld

In return for your contribution, we can list you on our Wall of Respect. Rather not be listed on there? That’s OK!  – Just let us know.

If you are looking to make a memorial contribution, please visit HERE.  Otherwise, please contact us at support@ihelpworld.org with how you would like to help.

Thank you so much for helping to make a difference!

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I need Immediate Support
I want to Help Myself Now
To Help My Family/Friend Now
How do I know If I am Depressed