Memorial Support
Our hearts go out to those who have lost someone to suicide. We understand suicide is an act of deep, final despair of the one that is suffering from depression—a final act that affects so many other lives in such a profoundly shocking and life-altering way.
Suicide is not an act of shame; it is an act of final desperation of the sufferer, an act that says I could not find a thing in this world that alleviated the pain inside.
Suicide goes against every act of survival we have programmed into our DNA.
This is the purpose underpinning all our initiatives because only in taking massive unified worldwide collaborative action to reach out to as many people as we can, can we all make a difference to stem suicides.
With your help we can rally worldwide support to effect changes in the way we have traditionally viewed and failed to really help those suffering at such a profound level.
If you would like to support our efforts in memory of a loved one lost in this way, please contact us at support@ihelpworld.org and let us know. Tell us the name of your loved one too and we will list that on our Wall of Respect, with your permission.
Thank you for making a difference
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