ihelpworld's Strategies
Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing and expecting a different result”.
Unwittingly, this is the definition being practised by individuals, institutions and governments with the attitude to ‘fight’ health disorders in isolation from the rest of the body & mind. Holistic prevention and remedial pathways still continue to be rubbished as alternative instead of being integrated into institutionalized healthcare systems for the merit they represent.
ihelpworld’s strategy is to work towards encouraging overlapping layers of responsibility through all levels of society as identified in the Calls to Action section on our home page.
Therein ihelpworld calls on visionary philanthropists and investigative journalists to support ethical doctors and citizen scientists to come together from around the world and give the world its First 20/20 Visioned Worldwide Wellness Policy which can then guide governments and individuals towards wellness attainment.
Only a Bureaucracy Free Trinity comprised of the aforesaid can ensure independent global governing oversight, leadership and unbiased scrutiny to put our world on a safer pathway to wellbeing attainment, compared to its prevailing trajectory that has largely failed.
Only such a Red Tape Free Trinity will have the conscientiousness to ask questions as to why wisdom such as the type quoted below, is typically missing in healthcare systems.
Thomas Edison’s wisdom, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Benjamin Franklin’s wisdom, “An ounce of care is worth a pound of cure”.
Hippocrates’ wisdom, ‘All disease begins in the gut’ and ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’.

The milestone year of 2020 represents an unmissable opportunity to apply 20/20 vision and make a meaningful difference to our world.
ihelpworld’s strategy is to facilitate cognizance of health literacy that neither depression nor health disorders, be they arthritis, blood pressure, cancers, C.O.P.D., dementia, diabetes, heart, kidney & disease, obesity, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, etc., are going to be prevented or reversed solely by relying on pharmaceutical or surgical interventions alone, whilst the value of food & lifestyle literacy and naturopathic & nutritional sciences are accorded lip-service.
No different from the 11,000+ scientists and citizens who united to declare a climate emergency on 5th Nov 2019, ihelpworld advocates ethical practitioners and citizen scientists declare a healthcare emergency necessitating no less than a system restructure of bureaucracy, regulatory, governance, leadership, supply & distribution of healthcare.
No different from restructure or redundancy to correct any governance or management failure.
No different from new independent scrutiny, governance and expertise brought in to an organisation to ensure better performance.
As aptly noted by William Ripple, the co-founder of climate emergency with words more or less, “the situation with climate change is beyond scientists only:, the situation and future of healthcare governance is so badly deteriorated, that it is beyond the bureaucracy that has been failing millions of people, decade after decade, without ‘material’ improvement in the overall health of our world.