Worldwide Wellness Vision 20/20, A World First
Wherein the ethicality of the Hippocratic Oath is restored in global healthcare systems through a 20/20 Visioned Worldwide Wellness Policy written by ethical practitioners representing the integrated values of all health sciences for the express goal of serving the interests of population wellbeing instead of largely* profiteering around its illnesses.
Wherein 2020 is the foundation year to set Worldwide Wellness Attainment Goals to directly lift KPI expectations from our world’s healthcare providers; including but not limited to correcting complicities, complexities and inadequacies long identified by ethical practitioners in healthcare systems.
Wherein such 20/20 Visioned Apex Policy guides Governments, WHO, Regulatory Bodies, Workplaces, Educational Institutions and Individuals to higher levels of collective responsibility through extensive health literacy promotion dedicated to the goal of improving Quality of Life, globally.
No different from the 11,000+ scientists and concerned citizens declaring a climate emergency on November 5, 2019, ihelpworld advocates that ethical practitioners & citizen scientists first unite to write such an overarching policy so that it becomes the Global Go To Solution which corrects healthcare’s sickness-centric business models to a new Worldwide Wellness Attainment Model.
ihelpworld envisions that as a minimum the Worldwide Wellness Policy should encompass:
- Better ethical ROI on the billions entrusted to healthcare instead of the way, its returns since circa 1991, have delivered abysmal or rising health disorders & death rates, globally.
- Better healthcare goals based on the cumulative wisdom of all health sciences to ensure holistic root cause remedial without over-prescription and the dangers of side effects or mixed drug toxicities.
- Higher standards of healthcare best practices wherein illness prevention and reversal are not dictated solely on the bias or limitations of practitioners and their systems.
- Ensuring upfront Governmental investment to promote preventative lifestyles propelled foremost by health literacy, sport and exercise; wherein schooling and workplaces are treated as health literacy supply chains to uplift family and community well-being from grass root levels, thus distancing populations from health disorders in the first instance.
- Encouraging public awareness for cost-effective self-responsibility and discouraging false dependency on pill & scalpel interventions; wherein pharmaceutical expertise develops new realms of health enrichment v/s being largely reactionary to only fix ailments.
Purpose of our Vision
Catastrophic global health disorders and death rate statistics represent systemic healthcare malfunction that is unlikely to be thoroughly addressed without a truly global solution built from experiences and inputs from around our world.
Due to clinical research data being largely undisclosed to general public and ethical practitioners being regularly rubbished or stonewalled; invaluable health literacy is not filtering down freely to help our world’s populations. Meanwhile, precious years are lost while health illiteracy and web-like causalities that make depression & health disorders inseparable, keep claiming millions of lives – prematurely.
Hence status quo is no longer an option wherein Governments and Insurers keep entrusting healthcare systems with countless billions annually despite rising depression, health disorders, suicides and premature deaths. No different to personal eye vision correction, highly bureaucratized healthcare systems need vision correction to refocus on the goals they really ought to be delivering upon.
Whilst there are no doubt many aspects of healthcare, pharmaceutical expertise and front-line staff work admirably, the many siloed gaps and fragmentation in healthcare systems resemble attempts to block tsunamis with sandbags; i.e. tsunamis of preventable health disorders.
In effect, the real picture is Governments and Insurers are trying (through healthcare bureaucrats) to fight health disorder tsunamis at multiples of what it costs to avert them in the first instance.
Hence, ihelpworld’s CALL TO ACTION, appealing to to all well-meaning ethical practitioners and their bodies/groups to unify and coordinate their individual efforts on to one bureaucracy-free global platform to help Governments restructure their healthcare systems towards Wellness Attainment Targets alongside prevailing expectations.
ihelpworld questions how our world is to host healthy populations, if preventative wellness initiatives and root cause remedial thought processes are not even part of healthcare systems.
Similar to any personal or professional goal setting, ihelpworld envisions that it is only the setting of such Worldwide Wellness Goals and Objectives that will in time serve as the mechanisms to uplift the manner and standards with which illnesses are being viewed and handled.
ihelpworld encourages pragmatic panoramic thought processes, perhaps visualised as an Axis-tilt reset to produce a truly global solution with worldwide benefits for world populations as well as healthcare service providers. Something which localised efforts; as well-meaning as they are, are unlikely to deliver worldwide.
Global Healthcare systems deserve improvement with Abraham Lincoln type Of the people, by the people, for the people Vision.
- Nothing less than ihelpworld’s advocacy for a Bureaucracy Free Trinity comprised of ethical practitioners (incl. citizen scientists) supported by visionary philanthropists and journalists, can ensure independent governing oversight, leadership and scrutiny upon healthcare systems for the single-minded Goal of Worldwide Wellness. (please see ihelpworld’s Call to Action on our home page).
- Nothing short of global public mobilisation led by the aforesaid Trinity can initiate the overdue systemic restructure of regulatory, leadership and supply of healthcare, so that ethical integrated medial & wellness practitioners are no longer stonewalled from making quantum improvements to healthcare systems.
*ihelpworld recognises that business profits underpinned by Corporate Social Responsibility are essential to fund the best R&D with the best people to find continually better ways of enhancing Quality of Life.
ihelpworld simply appeals for conscientiousness to return to healthcare systems and making a positive difference to our world.
ihelpworld emphasises that what may sound as critique, is levelled at bureaucracy and not to fine front line personnel who are typically always going the extra mile and to whom our world ought to be most grateful.