Our Objectives

Helping to stop the apathy, helplessness or negligence towards personal & mental health
At ihelpworld we want to ensure everyone in our world avails an opportunity to safeguard themselves or people they care for, from falling through the cracks of current health processes and systems. Better still we want to ensure everyone avails opportunities to optimise their lifestyle conditions by exercising self-responsibility wherever that it is they live.
We encourage pockets of people from Iceland to Swaziland to come together in their part of the world on to our three platforms (ihelpworld, ihelphub and mindpump™) and create their own improvements pertinent to their environment. Physical and mental wellbeing should not remain exclusive to affordability, chemicals or recreation. Neither should unaffordability mean reconciling to sub-par health on outdated RDAs (supposedly recommended dietary allowances), as typically their trajectories have failed to avert disease and disorder.
To ensure you and your family are not part of those appalling statistics, please unify in your local area and improve your environment by helping and being helped through ihelphub – hub of health and hope. Or #ihelpworldwellness to exercise your support.
Helping to stop burdening healthcare staff and systems with preventative self-responsibility
At ihelpworld we really feel for overworked hospital staff. From the people in large kitchens, to laundry rooms, to those handling surgical waste, orderlies without which we wouldn’t know where to go, nurses without which we wouldn’t be cared for, doctors & surgeons without which we would not have a chance to live, radiology and diagnostic staff without which doctors wouldn’t have a chance … and so on.
From ihelpworld we appeal that not only do these wonderful people need our appreciation and sincerest thanks, but that the best way to show our appreciation for their hard work, is by not adding to their hard work with self-preventable health disorders. Through active, preventative lifestyles including well informed food choices, our world should assume responsibility to UNBURDEN overworked hospital systems and resources so that those suffering unavoidable health complications get a higher chance to be better attended to.
ihelpworld’s objective through its initiatives is to give healthcare a much deserved respite. Respite to come out of its non-stop emergency state to normality so that all the good people in healthcare can muster their collective best to make improvements, only possible with less emergencies to handle and literally time to take a well deserved breather.