Our Goals and why we request You to add Your voice to ours

To serve as our world’s non-institutional platform for ethical integrated medical & holistic practitioners to unite and construct a 20/20 Visioned Worldwide Wellness Policy; restructuring the inadequacies and complicities that they have been identifying in global healthcare systems.
To help such practitioners engineer an axis tilt in healthcare’s current sickness-centric business model so that from the year 2020, they can make healthcare in to a Wellness Attainment Model, where pills and surgery are not the only choices.
To help Philanthropists & Journalists realise the extent of suffering they can help prevent, if they backed ethical integrated medical & wellness practitioners to create such a World First Wellness Policy that is truly dedicated in the best interests of our world’s population through quantum improvements in global healthcare systems.
To collectively ensure the year 2020 becomes the milestone from which abysmal suicide and death rate statistics can be made to nosedive through the initiatives that can become possible were our world to have a ‘North Star’ to guide worldwide wellness.
See our methodical pathway to Worldwide Wellness Vision 20/20 HERE
See our explicit Calls to Action HERE