About ihelpworld
Ihelpworld is the outcome of a promise made by founder Jamsheed B. Sidhwa at the funeral of a friend who succumbed to suicide 7 years ago. It is a solutions-focussed approach with several points of difference. It starts with a 360 degree global healthcare assessment that built the inspiration to a unique Worldwide Wellness Vision 20/20, underpinned by a Mission to eradicate appalling deaths rates from suicide and other preventable health disorders.
Hugely congnizant of the fluid complicity with which statistics can be interpreted, ihelpworld is a moral term planted on the conscience of every person on our planet to get together and help make rising death rates nosedive from 2020 onwards.
Whilst there is no doubt, many aspects of healthcare systems, pharmaceutical & surgical expertise and frontline doctors, surgeons and staff do a phenomenal job, more than just a few alarming questions are being increasingly raised by Doctors from within or outside their healthcare systems, and interestingly remaining unanswered. Questions as serious as lack of full disclosure starting at clinical research level to complicities in between , and inadequacies impeding delivery of the very principles that healthcare really out to represent.
Furthermore, our gap analysis indicates healthcare in many countries is conspicuously missing a range of non-drug/surgical remedial and wellness pathways by systemically stonewalling the latter as ‘alternative or rubbish’. This continues to happen despite increasing numbers of good medical professionals evolving themselves to integrated medical practise, realising before healthcare, that the only way to bridge the gap from “illness to wellness” is an integrated causeway incorporating the wisdom of all health sciences, not necessarily solely reliant on drugs or scalpel.
Within that backdrop focussed urgent effort to find and apply solutions to reduce the sheer gravity of avoidable suffering accruing each year, just does not seem to be a priority. Year after year, awareness days, weeks roll over like calendar events and statistics aside, the reality is, it is ‘business as usual’ in healthcare.
It is thus that 2020 represents a rare landmark year to apply much needed 20/20 vision to help focus healthcare upon wellness attainment.
If decades of ‘fighting disorders primarily with chemicals & scalpel’ costing countless billions of dollars has not reversed countless millions from epidemic level health disorders and death rates, then conventional government or insurer funded healthcare needs a thorough overhaul.
No different from restructure or redundancy being the remedy to commercial failure; Failing or Flat-lining healthcare ROI evidenced by rising health disorders and deaths necessitates no less than a systemic restructure of regulatory, governance, leadership, supply and distribution of global healthcare.

Being that good but un-unified endeavours are neither engendering the corrections that Doctors are seeking, nor tangibly improving healthcare, it is best that those medical professionals who know their healthcare systems from the inside are put in charge of healthcare. More importantly with a mandate that the billions yet to be invested in healthcare, must make health disorder and death rate statistics nosedive from 2020 onwards.
Ihelpworld’s platform has been built precisely to help such integrated medical and wellness specialists from around the world to unify and construct a Worldwide Wellness Policy that can recalibrate healthcare systems on a pathway to Wellness.
Mankind’s wellness deserves independent scrutiny, governance, and wellness leadership expertise which is only possible from an unbiased new global trinity of investigative journalism and philanthropists.
Only proven philanthropists and journalists can be counted upon to have the necessary long-term vision & will, without vested interests to constitute our world’s first unified cross-continent mandate reflecting Abraham Lincoln’s Governance ‘Of the People, By the People, For the People’ vis-à-vis healthcare.
1] Nothing else will work until silo-like ‘specialist’ handing of depression and health disorders is switched to ‘collaborative’ holistic treatment pathways.
2] Nothing less than leadership vision to ‘quantum uplift’ healthcare from its illness-centric business model to Wellness Attainment Goals will be appropriate.
3] Nothing less than wellness dedicated leaders with long-range panoramic vision to holistically remedy and prevent health disorders, will be the right thing to do.
4] Nothing less than an ongoing mandate from the people of our world to empower ethical doctors to focus on global wellness will do. Failing which they will be bogged down with bureaucracy and commissions that typically go nowhere.
Only such a coordinated global movement can evolve healthcare from ‘fight’ mode to ‘holistic’ mode. A mode that constitutes openness to explore all remedial pathways parallel to advancing preventative lifestyles to avert disorders in the first instance. In other words, where health disorder remedial treats the whole person, ‘mind and body’ and not just provide symptom-fixated temporary relief.
If some of the doctors, surgeons, neurosurgeons, citizen scientists and wellness focussed leaders wrote such a global policy under some degree of immediacy, there is no way that global journalists, global philanthropists, and common peoples from around the world would not overwhelmingly mandate their governments to heed such recommendations and leadership of ethical healthcare.