Calling for Global Unity to Save Lives being unnecessarily lost to Suicides & Premature Deaths from Preventable Health Disorders including Depression.
Will YOU add your voice to ours and help remedy this largely overlooked humanitarian crisis?

Our single-minded Purpose is to shine new 'Light' to help abate suicide & premature deaths from preventable health disorders with two intrinsically linked appeals, alongside our own initiatives..

For a new 20/20 Visioned Worldwide Wellness Policy to be created in the milestone year of 2020
To be the 'Guiding Light', like that of The North Star and the Southern Cross to navigate institutionalized healthcare systems from their sickness-centric business model to a Worldwide Wellness Attainment Model.
Advocated to be written by a non-bureaucratic united global coalition of ethical, integrated medical and wellness practitioners to guide WHO, Governments, Workplaces, Schools and individuals towards wellbeing, instead of the current default to focus largely on 'fighting health disorders'.
Advocated to be written by a non-bureaucratic united global coalition of ethical, integrated medical and wellness practitioners to guide WHO, Governments, Workplaces, Schools and individuals towards wellbeing, instead of the current default to focus largely on 'fighting health disorders'.

For Governments to actively promote health literacy
Because health illiteracy and unacknowledged web-like causalities which make depression inseparable from health disorders, are unnecessarily claiming millions of lives.
Unlike workplace safety measures to avert mishaps, lack of Governmental will to invest in protecting public health is costing multiples of what it would cost in upfront health literacy and this inaction must convert to war-footing action.
Unlike workplace safety measures to avert mishaps, lack of Governmental will to invest in protecting public health is costing multiples of what it would cost in upfront health literacy and this inaction must convert to war-footing action.
Did YOU know, that our world is missing such a vital Apex Policy?
It is remarkable that whilst so much good effort is invested in conserving our environment, flora & fauna (understandably so), such little effort is invested in conserving the human species from falling victim to rather preventable health disorders in the first instance.
See ihelpworld's Worldwide Wellness Vision for all »
Read more about our Mission Here »
ihelpworld's key initiatives.

Helping to stop the apathy, helplessness or negligence towards personal & mental health
ihelp’s pathway to Wellness Mindsets is through a brand new, about-to-be released technique named mindpump™, to ensure everyone in our world avails an opportunity to safeguard themselves or people they care for, from falling through the cracks of current health processes and systems. Watch this space.

Creating a brand new voluntary service named ihelphub, where in time, free constructive counsel will be provided and availed
Like a virtual sanctuary dedicated to the principles of selfless help. Where good people avail a platform to exchange positive stories of recovery from depression or health disorders and provide or gain vital human comfort and support. Where educational videos can be easily assessed by category to make it easy to get well.
Please also see our 360° Worldwide Wellness Vision.
Please also see our 360° Worldwide Wellness Vision.

Helping to unburden healthcare staff and systems with preventative self-responsibility
The purpose of our initiatives is to give healthcare staff, management & systems the opportunity to integrate wider holistic remedial wisdom into healthcare systems, instead of being burnt out by being expected to work in constant emergency mode.